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The Paintbrush

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The Paintbrush … Where a lifelong love of art begins!
Can your six-year old identify art by Miro or Picasso?
If she attends classes at The Paintbrush she can!

At The Paintbrush, kids do more than just paint! Kids ages 12 months old to 12 years old learn about artists, listen to music, and create their own inspired works of art.

  • Classes Monday-Saturday
  • Parent/Tot classes for kids ages 12 months to 4 years.
  • Drop-off classes for kids ages 4 and up.
  • CPS Holiday, Summer, Spring and Winter Drop-Off Camp Days for kids ages 4 to 11.
  • Drop-In ART program for all ages.
  • No hassle, super-fun birthday pARTies.
  • Art Workshops and more!